Saturday, August 25, 2007

Thing that happened to me today #21

The mice must be breeding like mice this time of year (or do they breed like rabbits?). At least my house must have some appeal to the few that are out there, because they keep coming in. I caught one recently, and now we have two more. It has been two days of waking up to things having been eaten in the kitchen during the night. First it was a half-eaten tomato on the counter, then the next day they ran off with an ENTIRE BAG OF NUTS. That's right, Sandy left a ziplock bag of nuts on the counter that was to be her snack yesterday at work, and when she got up in the morning it was gone, the whole thing, bag and all. Not to mention a large chunk of a banana eaten out, surprised they didn't take the whole thing with them, or the refrigerator for that matter. I did put a trap out last night, but it was empty this morning. They probably have enough stashed to feed themselves for a month. After I went to work though, Sandy called me frantically, said a mouse jumped on her foot when she turned the oven on, then ran back under it. She said she freaked and the cake batter went flying. I told her to try and pull the stove out. She did a little and said she saw two mice huddling in the corner. I guess I know what I have to do when I get home. The beastmaster is back! I will never buy an 83 year old house again.


Anonymous said...

You do have a lot of mice! Craziness. I used to get them, but stopped leaving food out and started keeping a super clean kitchen and they went away. - Jonny

Gwydion said...

Bring the pain, Beastmaster!

Don't you have cats for this sort of thing?

Ben Alsop said...

One cat, and he is too big to jump on the counter, most nonathletic cat ever.